Learn in 5 days all about logistics, included "karrenbouw" and/or packaging boxes
Chain logistics in floriculture
During the chain logistics course, you will learn the most important things about logistics in the supply chain of flowers or plants.
Target group
This course is particularly suitable for employees in logistics, operations, production and quality functions in the floriculture sector.
Content and programme
Topics covered are product and customer specifications, storage and transport, the various internal and external logistics chains, the temperature chain (cold or hot) and the information chain. In addition, you will get to work practically with, among other things, building flower or plant carts and packing export boxes for air freight or otherwise. You will be supported by the experienced trainer Lucas Jansen.
What can you expect?
During this course you will work intensively with all aspects of chain logistics in the floriculture sector. With the aim of reducing waste in the chain, maintaining quality, insight management into the total chain.
During the training, you will work step by step on gaining insight into the total chain of flowers & plants, which will make the course result oriented. During the lessons you apply the knowledge directly in practice. Thanks to the practical grips and tips during the training, the participants develop into a valuable and professional logistics employee.
During the course we make use of:
- Supporting PowerPoints
- Interactive knowledge game Kahoot
- Web application assortment InfoFlowersPlants
- E-learning platform Floweracademy.TV
- Teacher Lucas Jansen
Included e-learning and web-application assortment
E-learning Floweracademy.TV and webapp InfoFlowersPlants
As support for this course you can use the e-learning platform of Floweracademy.TV. On this platform you can learn online with video content and PowerPoints. Watch, test and print your own certificates.
As a participant, you will also have temporary access to the web application assortment of InfoFlowersPlants. This web application is the replacement of the assortment books of Flower council Holland. Independent, consistent and up-to-date product information in 8 languages with numerous search functions.

This course can also be given in-company!
Possibilities in Dutch or English!
Companies that want to organise an in-company course in chain logistics, cart building and/or packing of cut flowers and/or houseplants (already interesting for 5 participants) can send an email to
The course can be given in Dutch or English.
We can also make a special instruction video for these practical activities. (trolley building = karrenbouw and/or packing boxes)